Cookie policy

Last updated: August 9, 2019


  • Cookies used: Own and Third-party
  • Are they used to obtain statistics? Yes, based on our legitimate interest in better managing the service.
  • Third-party services that install cookies through this website: Google, Google Analytics.

How to Configure and Disable Cookies

You can allow, block, or delete the cookies installed on your device from your web browser. If you do not allow cookies to be installed on your device, your browsing experience may worsen or even become impossible. Below you can find how to configure cookies in each browser:

1.- Types and Uses

The service uses own and third-party cookies to improve navigation, provide the service, and obtain statistics on the use of the website.

2.- What is a Cookie and What is it For?

A cookie is a text file sent to your computer, mobile, or tablet web browser to store and retrieve information about the browsing performed. For example, remembering your username and password or profile preferences.

3.- What Types of Cookies are There?

Depending on who manages them:

  • Own cookies; sent to your browser from our equipment or web domains.
  • Third-party cookies; sent to your browser from equipment or web domains that we do not directly manage, but a third party such as Google.

Depending on how long they remain active, there are:

  • Session cookies; remain in your browser's cookie file until you leave the website, so none remain on your device.
  • Persistent cookies; remain on your device, and our website reads them each time you make a new visit. These cookies stop functioning after a certain date.

Finally, based on their purpose, we have:

  • Technical cookies; improve navigation and the proper functioning of the website.
  • Personalization cookies; allow access to the service with predefined features based on a series of criteria.
  • Analysis cookies; allow measurement and statistical analysis of the use made of the provided service.

Cookies Used by

Name Origin Type Expiration Group
cookieconsent_status Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
allowed_cookie_types Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
pll_language Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
wordpress_logged_in_* Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
wordpress_sec_* Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
wordpress_test_cookie Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
wp-settings-* Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
wp-settings-time-* Own 1 year Necessary Cookies
_ga Third-party 1 year Analytics
_gat_UA-* Third-party 1 year Analytics
_gcl_au Third-party 1 year Analytics
_gid Third-party 1 year Analytics
wfwaf-authcookie-* Third-party 1 year Analytics
BizoID Third-party 1 year Advertising
lang Third-party 1 year Advertising

List of Third-party Cookies Used by

Google: Their cookies (NID or CONSENT) allow personalization of how ads are seen outside of Google or store information like the preferred language when displaying search results.

More information about the types of cookies Google uses in its multiple services.

Google Analytics: Their cookies (such as _ga) allow counting the times a user visits a website, how, when, and from where they do it.

In any case, you can disable Google Analytics cookies from here.

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